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What is CORE?

CORE smartwork is the only software package that covers all areas of internal communication and employer branding in a single comprehensive solution. Turnover, access to talent and work efficiency thus become target variables that can be influenced directly and sustainably.
The result is an intelligent organisation – 
the company of the FUTURE.


Companies use CORE smartwork. A system that models all the requirements of employer branding – developed by experts for practical use.


Employees experience transparent communication and new perspectives with the diverse modules within CORE smartwork.

Who is CORE intended for?

Do you want to expand your company's talent pool? Is the turnover of top employees a threat to your business development? Does news spread through your organisation inconsistently? Would you like to strengthen the identification of your employees with the company?

CORE smartwork provides the right tool for each of these challenges. It is not the size of a company which decides whether CORE smartwork is the right solution, but rather its goals.

What does CORE solve?

Wherever people are in contact with each other, special dynamics arise. Common goals and coordinated action require efficiency. Only when all forces are acting in a single direction can movement take place.

CORE smartwork models all the relevant processes of employer branding in an easy-to-use system.
The software modules have been developed from practical experience and are easy to implement. With CORE smartwork a company becomes an intelligent, resilient organisation.


various modules for comprehensive configuration of the employee relationship management process.


available languages optimally support international companies and connect employees across country and language boundaries.

Best Practice

CORE smartwork grew out of the requirements analysis of an Austrian industrial company.
The resulting improvement of communication processes and employer branding have made the company one of Austria’s most popular employer brands.

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