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From employer 
to meaning provider

CORE smartwork is the result of a revolution. Because there's no other way to describe it when established companies rethink traditional management structures and grow into intelligent organisations. The success is amazing – a paradigm shift that leads to strong growth and waves of innovation.

CORE smartwork is the tool for this change. A tool that is also available to your company as well.
CORE smartwork raises the internal communication and motivation of your employees to a new level.  


A person's attention is attracted to where they see meaning. And even highly talented staff, who are free to choose their employer based on their education and experience, follow that meaning.

The systematic management of the relationship between employee and employer is the basis for innovation, growth and success.

CORE smartwork ist Management by Meaning.


The CORE Team

Intelligent organisations are the result of an intensive transformation process.
Our team of motivated meaning providers will accompany you on this journey. 

Please feel free to make an appointment with us or contact us directly.

Patrick Strauß
Managing Director


Managing Director

„Working meticulously with the team to find solutions for various customer requirements is what I enjoy most." 

Petra Scheuringer
Customer Success Management & Sales


Customer Success Management & Sales

"The contact with customers and the diversity of my tasks are what I enjoy most about my work."

Theresa Fill
Customer Success Management & Sales


Customer Success Management & Sales

"I enjoy working with customers to find the best solutions for their company. The variety of industries and the collaboration with customers make my work exciting and fulfilling."

Anja Wiesinger
Customer Success Management & Sales


Customer Success Management & Sales

"What I love most about my job is the personal contact with customers and prospects, as well as the consulting work in the process."

Achim Lindner
Customer Success Management


Customer Success Management

"The variety of business sectors and contacts I get to work with is what makes my work as a project manager so interesting."

Johanna Gösweiner
Customer Success Management


Customer Success Management

"I really enjoy accompanying our customers on their journey and making their processes simpler, more transparent and more digital."

Karin Wührer
Communication & Eventmanagement


Communication & Eventmanagement

„The areas of communication and eventmanagement that I am responsible for at CORE make my working day varied and exciting."

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