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7th Employer Branding Forum

Fillstraße 1, 4942 Gurten

300 Besucher, 6 Speaker, 1 Thema:
"Empathie & Egoismus"


Das 7. Employer Branding Forum fand am 7. November 2024 in Gurten (OÖ) statt.

Der Future Dome erstrahlte zum 7. Employer Branding Forum in lebendigem Orange, der Farbe der Veranstaltung. Das Motto „Empathie und Egoismus“ leuchtete von der Leinwand, während sich rund 300 Teilnehmer aus verschiedensten Branchen von den Vorträgen inspirieren ließen. Sechs namhafte Speaker, darunter hochkarätige Experten, beleuchteten das zentrale Thema Employer Branding und die Balance zwischen Empathie und Egoismus

Opinions of our guests

With a great mix of different perspectives, the EBF provided some very important insights for me. Thank you for an inspiring afternoon.

Great input and inspiration for the future direction of the company. It was an awesome event once again! Congratulations to the CORE team! :)

A fantastic event that I always look forward to and highly recommend. I'm already excited for 2025!

Great location, interesting presentations, excellent organization – simply the best event of its kind far and wide! Authentic and friendly CORE team!

Top-notch organization! Engaging presentations and people. An interesting theme with plenty of thought-provoking ideas!

Congratulations on this sensational event, and thanks to the speakers for the fascinating presentations. It was a wonderful and inspiring afternoon filled with many highlights.

The EBF was, as always, wonderfully organized. It's a great place to network, meet motivated people, and take away plenty of insights from the speakers.

Great platform for networking. A good mix of presentations, content, and speakers. Fantastic event—keep it up!

The EBF offers a valuable opportunity to discover new perspectives and engage with industry experts. The presentations were particularly impressive, especially Franziska Brandmeier's. Thank you for the hospitality and the invitation.

Künstliche Intelligenz, die menschlich ist. Positive Psychologie und Persönlichkeitsstile im Unternehmensalltag. Militärische Strategien und die Arbeitskultur der Gen Z. „Das Thema 'Empathie & Egoismus' umgibt uns im Arbeits- und Lebensalltag und ist gerade jetzt brandaktuell“, sagt CORE smartwork-Geschäftsführer Patrick Strauß.

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