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4th Employer Branding Forum

Fill Future Dome, Gurten (AT)

400 participants discovered love and reason for employer branding!

On 21 November 2019, the fourth Employer Branding Forum organised by CORE smartwork took place in Gurten. The subject: love and reason. High-ranking experts spoke to more than 400 visitors about the potential of the human brain and mindfulness in management. The keynote speaker, organisational consultant Sebastian Purps-Pardigol, explained the connections between cultural change, leadership and brain research. The next Employer Branding Forum will take place on
19 November 2020.

Gurten, 22 November 2019 – The potential of the human brain and mindful management were defining themes at the fourth Employer Branding Forum on 21 November 2019 in Gurten. Organisational developer Annelise Aschauer and organisational consultant Sebastian Purps-Pardigol spoke on these matters. "Our thoughts can change our brains," keynote speaker Purps-Pardigol explained. "Throughout our lives." He explained the potential of fostering connectedness, creative freedom and positive inner images in leadership and employee development. Andreas Fill, co-founder and Managing Director of CORE smartwork, presented the Christmas-related activities of his company, Fill. He gave an impressive practical example of the application of CORE smartwork. For, Johanna Mayr, Head of Brand & Communications, and Thomas Olbrich, Chief Culture Officer, talked about employer branding as an advertising measure and cultural work. Bernhard Bründl, managing partner of the Bründl Group, reported on branding activities in his company.

Record number of visitors

The Employer Branding Forum in Gurten took place for the fourth time this year. "This was the first time we could welcome 400 visitors," says a delighted Michaela Keim, Managing Director of CORE smartwork. The guests were entrepreneurs, personnel developers and human resource experts from Austria and Germany. "The great amount of interest shows us how important the topics of employer branding and employee relationship management are today."

Partners and customers as guest

In advance of the Employer Branding Forum, customers and sales partners of CORE smartwork also met this year for the Community Talk and the Partner Talk. "We want to learn from each other and help one another develop. That's why we encourage this exchange between our partners and customers," explains Keim. At the opening event on the evening of 20 November, cordiality expert Mahsa Amoudadashi revealed to invited guests how enthusiasm can be turned into quality. She impressed the audience, who were able to take away many practical tips. "We are delighted with the success of the Forum, which had many magic moments this year. For 2020, we can already say: It's going to be exciting!", says Keim. The fifth Employer Branding Forum will take place on 19 November 2020.

©Photos: CORE smartwork

Opinions of our guests

Extremely well organised. You could see the enthusiasm on every face! The CORE team is doing a fantastic job. Just keep it up, I'm looking forward to next year."

The mood was incomparable again."

THANK YOU for everything – a truly worthwhile day. Thanks for the tree, too.”

The warm-heartedness of the CORE team and the Fill family is always impressive, thank you!"

Great atmosphere, you truly feel welcome."

I'm already looking forward to the next forum and I'm really exited to find out the slogan for our networking."

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